Saturday, December 8, 2012

Update on the Kids!!

Wow it has been 2 years since I updated this blog. Well, alot of things have happened since I've last been on here. J.R is now 2 years old and he is full of life. Lai is now 10 years old and she is maturing into a sweet young lady.
Updated Facts on J.R: He can count to 20 in English and 10 in Spanish by himself.
He knows his colors in both English and Spanish.
 He loves singing his ABC's and is learning to identify them and there sounds.
He loves Cars, Trains, Balls, Bubbles, and Balloons.
He is strong willed and very independent.
He loves playing and listening to music with Lai.
Updated Facts on Lai: She is now in the 5th Grade and still a Honor Student.
She loves hanging out with her Friends.
She lives on the phone, she would talk to her friends for hours if I let her.
She loves ALL things Electronic.
She loves playing with her brother and spoiling him rotten.
She still has the same best friends since beginning Kindergarten.
If she could she would go to the Mall everyday and shop at Claire's.
The pictures of both kids are from Easter this year (Lai 10yrs. & J.R 18months) and the Gypsy pic is from this Halloween.


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Update on the Kids!

Laine: Big Sister
Well she is in third grade this year and she LOVES that she is in the same class with her best friends from last year. She is definitely alot more outspoken this year. She loves playing with her friends, kissing her baby brother, and playing on poptropica and all the other little big kiddie sites. Oh yeah and she became a Big Sister 10-10-10 and she loves her brother so much.
KJ: Baby Brother
He is 3 weeks today and is very calm and semi-peaceful. Right now all he does is eat, sleep, and dirty diapers. He only cries when he is gassy, hungry, or cold. He is full of smiles and grunts and we just love him so much.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Tutu's and Lightning Bugs!

"A" had alot of fun catching lightning bugs after our mini shoot. This is one of her favorite summer past times. She would stay outside all night long catching them if I let her.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Well today is Valentine's Day and in just two short days Lai will be 8 years old. I can't believe she is turning 8, it doesn't feel like it's been eight years. I can still remember the first time I ever saw her. She was so tiny and delicate like a budding flower. But now, now she can hold her own. She is determined, strong willed, beautiful, smart, loving, kind, and caring. But most of all she is her own person. She of course has her not so great traits like, being hard headed, stubborn, listening to what she wants to hear, and oh how I love the sassyness. But through the good and the bad I love her with all of my heart. I don't think I'm ready for her to be 8 yet, but there is nothing I can do to stop her from growing up. She loves all things related to Fashion. She draws clothing designs and she wants to learn how to sew so she can make clothes for her dolls. She dreams of being a fashion designer and stylist when she grows up. But with each passing day she is growing up. She loves all things girly and has a HUGE collection of purses. She loves painting her nails, playing in make-up, playing dress up, and at the tender age of 3 she could run in high heels with no problem. I remember wishing for her to be able to walk, and talk, and go to kindergarten. But now I wish I could rewind back to those days and just admire them. I am going to try my best to just enjoy year 8 and not rush the year away. I will enjoy the good, overcome the bad, and love the experience of seeing her bloom into a lovely young lady. So instead of rushing through these last two days, I am going to hold her tight and cherish the last 2 days of her being 7 while I still can. Because when it's gone, it's gone and it will soon just be a memory.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Well if your on the East coast like me you are being snowed in. During the weekend we got 30 inches of snow and Tuesday (2-9-10) another snow storm is coming and could dump another 10-20 inches on top of the 30 inches we already have. I can personally say that as of now I am tired of snow. Although it is very beautiful, it is not fun shoveling, it is not fun hearing the trees around your house snap in half, and it is not fun that the state has pretty much shut down. I am very grateful that we still have our power and I hope it stays that way. For those of you who are not getting snow I have included a picture that I took mid snow storm Saturday when there was only 28 inches on the ground.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Christmas Special

It’s that time of year again and I am offering a Christmas Discount Special that will only cost $40.00 (cash only) for a limited time. This special will only be offered for 2 days, November 14th and 15th, 2009. Your session will be 30 minutes and there are no outfit changes, so please come already dressed and ready to begin. You will receive two sheets of prints of your favorite pose. For an additional $10.00 (cash only) you will receive a CD with all of your edited photos. To book your time and session please act now. You can contact me at Cash due when you arrive on location.

The Girl and her Peacoat!